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       发布日期:2015-10-14     浏览次数:


题目:Review paper onsite: Study on the signaling pathways by adding optimal combination of the EPA and DHA to intestinal B lymphocytes from broilers

时间:2012.06.06 (星期三)09:00-11:00


报告人:Dr. A. H. Cantor


报告人简介:Austin Cantor, Ph. D.

Associate Professor
Poultry Coordinator, Nutrition and Management

Member of Graduate Faculty in Animal Sciences

Member of Graduate Faculty in Multidisciplinary Program in Nutritional Sciences

Department of Animal and Food Sciences
University of Kentucky


1、   Selenium (Se) nutrition for poultry:

2、   Use of enzymes in poultry diets for improving ingredient utilization and minimizing environmental impact of manure

3、   Effect of enzymes and organic sources of trace minerals on egg production, shell quality and bone strength

4、   Effect of low protein diets with amino acid supplementation on litter nitrogen and ammonia production and growth performance of broilers

5、   Evaluation of feed ingredients on growth and production, yields and product chemical composition

